The Big Bang Theory – A New Perspective
by Michael Mamas
There are certainly a number of unaddressed problems with the Big Bang Theory in its current form. No doubt, over time it will be revised. Today, The Big Bang Theory of modern physics states that prior to the existence of space and time, the manifestation of the universe began with a huge explosion. Space and time came into existence and the material world expanded in size and complexity at an exponential rate, reaching out to create a huge universe filled with galaxies – size unimaginable, and still expanding. The seed or source of that entire process is referred to as the Unified Field. Einstein was the first to theorize its existence. It is the one thing out of which all else came into existence. It is the source of The Big Bang.
It is fascinating to note that a number of the leading modern physicists whose focus is this Big Bang Theory speculate that the Unified Field is, in fact, nothing more than consciousness. The more they study the qualities, nature, and characteristics of the Unified Field, the more they realize the Unified Field is nothing other than consciousness itself.
Throughout history, the manifestation of our universe has been pondered. An interesting common thread exists between many, if not all, of the most time-honored of those theories. That common thread is expressed in shamanism by saying, “This is all a dream.” Hindu philosophy refers to all of this as “maya,” that is to say, illusion. The ancient Vedic seers similarly claim, “This is all just a play of consciousness.” These ancient philosophies go on to say that the entire manifest universe is born of, and sustained by, consciousness. Consciousness, from within its own inherent nature, gives birth to the structure of the entire universe.
Remarkably, many modern physicists are speculating that what the ancient seers insisted, is in fact correct-consciousness is the underlying source and basis of all existence. Now, for a moment, let’s assume they are correct and take a moment to reflect. A question comes to mind. Quite simply, what is it that we know about consciousness? At first glance, it may seem self-evident to say that consciousness, by its very own nature, is conscious. But with a little further reflection about the Big Bang Theory and the manifestation of existence, we are prompted to ask another question: “Before anything existed, what could consciousness possibly have been conscious of?” Remember, we are speaking here of a time that existed before time and of a place that existed before space. It was a time of no “thing-ness,” pure nothingness. Consciousness could be viewed then as pure “is-ness” before anything actually was. So what could consciousness possibly become conscious of? The only thing that existed-itself. Consciousness, by its own nature, became conscious… of itself.
By putting all of this together, we arrive at a compelling perspective on the Big Bang Theory. Consciousness viewed itself as “other.” Duality was born of oneness. It’s a little like when you are brushing your teeth in the bathroom and you catch your own reflection in the mirror out of the corner of your eye. For a moment, you have the experience that another person is there with you. Though really, it is only your own reflection. Because consciousness by its own nature is conscious, it becomes conscious of that duality, those two things. Then consciousness, the observer, observed the duality that was created. In that moment, it was as if a third thing was born. Consciousness, in turn, became aware of those three things and gave birth to a fourth. That process cascaded out into infinite multiplicity in a nanosecond. It is similar to holding two mirrors up in front of one another. Instantly, an infinite number of mirrors come into view.
So the Big Bang that gave birth to the entire universe is nothing more than the dynamic interaction of consciousness with itself. It has a structure of complete mathematical precision, profoundly complex, yet totally harmonious and seamlessly integrated within the dynamic of its own self-interaction.
Imagine visualizing this structure geometrically. It would appear similar to the image in a kaleidoscope, but multidimensional and far more complex. It’s easy to imagine there are a myriad of identifiable patterns within this structure. Like that, different patterns can be identified within the structure of existence. Each pattern describes the structure of the universe in its own terms. Modern physics represent one example. The yin and yang theory, five element theory, and nine graha theory represent other examples. They are each representing a unique pattern which describes the structure of existence.
To give a sense of the depth and breadth of implications here, imagine we were to find a an old 33-1/3 RPM record in a time when we no longer had record players and had forgotten that records ever even existed. Scientists could analyze and document every etching on that piece of plastic. Formulas recording the size and shape of every scratch on the surface could be created. And the scientists could then conclude they had thoroughly determined the nature of that piece of plastic. However, when the record is played, it takes on a whole new meaning. The nature of existence embodies a similar tale. Finding one pattern that describes its nature, though of value, does not fully embrace its grandeur. Each identifiable pattern carries with it a unique expression, offering new insights and understanding. As Einstein said, you can describe a sunset in terms of pure physics, but if you do, it loses its meaning. Each identifiable pattern gives expression to some of the meaning, but no one pattern gives expression to the full depth and breadth of all possible meanings.
The implications of this new perspective on The Big Bang Theory are vast. The technologies available are without limits. Each identifiable pattern carries with it a unique technology. The key to many unopened doors is contained within this understanding, offering commonsense insights into many age-old questions including the meaning of life, the free will versus predetermination paradox, and the age-old quandary, “If there’s a God, why does he allow people to suffer?”
Ignorance means to ignore. To rigidly adhere to one paradigm and ignore the others is a state of ignorance. Finding truth and meaning in a broad spectrum of paradigms is the portal to wisdom.
© Michael Mamas, 11/04
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